What brand of phone do the richest people use

 Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon) used an Amazon Fire Phone (when it existed). Today he uses an iPhone.

Tim Cook (Apple's CEO) uses an iPhone.

Elon Musk (CEO of Space X and Tesla) uses an iPhone.

Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft) uses an iPhone and an Android phone (and confessed in an interview that he prefers his Android phone).

Evan Spiegel (founder of Snapchat) uses an iPhone.

Mark Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook) has used an iPhone in the past. Today he is a fan of Samsung.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin (co-founders of Google) use Android phones.

Sundar Pichai (CEO of Google) uses a Pixel 4XL.

Warren Buffet was famous for not using a smartphone, but only an iPad to follow the stock market and an old-fashioned cell phone for phone calls.

Now use an iPhone 11.


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