At what age do people become billionaires?

People can become billionaires at various ages, depending on their circumstances and the trajectory of their business ventures. Here are a few examples of notable billionaires and their respective ages when they achieved billionaire status:

1. Mark Zuckerberg (Co-founder of Facebook): Became a billionaire at age 23 in 2008.

2. Kylie Jenner (Founder of Kylie Cosmetics): Became a billionaire at age 21 in 2019.

3. Evan Spiegel (Co-founder of Snapchat): Became a billionaire at age 25 in 2015.

4. John Collison (Co-founder of Stripe): Became a billionaire at age 26 in 2016.

5. Sergey Brin and Larry Page (Co-founders of Google): Became billionaires at ages 29 and 30, respectively, in 2004.

However, it's worth noting that these examples represent a small portion of the billionaire population, and becoming a billionaire at a young age is relatively rare. The majority of billionaires typically accumulate their wealth over several decades of entrepreneurship, investment, or inheritance. Additionally, age shouldn't be the sole metric to measure success or significance in life, as everyone has their unique journey and accomplishments.


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